A Day in the Life of an Agricultural Engineer

Gustavo Pardim, Envu Brazil, introduces long-term and trusted forestry industry partner

In the third chapter of our “Day in the Life” series, we share the story of Gustavo Pardim, an agricultural engineer at Envu Brazil. Gustavo has been immersed in forestry since childhood, inspired by family members who worked in the industry before him. His typical day involves visiting clients to offer personalized support and build meaningful connections. In the video below, Gustavo introduces our long-term and trusted partner, Suzano, the world's leading producer of eucalyptus pulp.

During Gustavo’s visit with Suzano, he made some assessments in the field to ensure Envu products met set standards. Equally as important, Gustavo also spent quality time interacting with the dynamic Suzano staff, absorbing their valuable feedback and creating a vibrant synergy that will fuel the continuous enhancement of Envu solutions.

Vicente Simoes, operational excellence supervisor at Suzano, believes the way Envu experts “Start With The Customer” helps to build a valuable, lasting partnership. “Envu is more than just a company selling a product — it's a partner with a dedicated technical team,” he says. “This team actively supports our clients, providing assistance in training and development, implementing new technologies, and evaluating quality control measures.”